Taylor Swift, The Phenomenon & 6 Great Marketing Lessons

Taylor Swift on the TAYLOR SWIFT - THE ERAS TOUR movie premiere


As the phenomenon Taylor Swift is getting closer to her first-ever performance in Portugal, the anticipation surrounding the event is electric. With just a month until her arrival, the excitement in Portugal mirrors the global buzz that follows the iconic singer wherever she goes. In fact, Swift’s career is not only defined by her music but also by her innovative marketing tactics.

Therefore, Taylor hasn’t just conquered the music industry; she’s also set a new standard for marketing and we’re now at the perfect moment to explore the valuable lessons we can learn from her in this business.

Join us as we uncover six key strategies inspired by Swift’s journey to success and learn how to apply them to your own marketing strategy, improving your brand’s success.

Call It What [They] Want: Fan-centered experiences

In other words: focus on your audience.

Taylor Swift’s fan community – the “Swifties” – demonstrates the power of building a community around your brand. Knowing her fans, allows her to engage with them on a more personal level.

According to portuguese website Marketeer, “the singer actively invests in deep relationships with her fans through symbols and clues for the creation of universes (Easter Eggs) on her lyrics, videos, and social media posts.”. The truth is, she interacts with fans on a daily basis, sharing personal stories, and even hosting listening sessions or events for them. This will help to cultivate a community of loyal fans, promoting a sense of belonging and loyalty that extends far beyond her music.

Brands can adopt this approach by prioritizing customer engagement, responding to feedback, and creating content that resonates with their target persona.

Shake [Them] Off with intrigue and speculation

Taylor really loves hidden messages and “Easter Eggs.”. That is, hidden clues and messages about upcoming releases or curiosities from her personal life.

She often uses them, either in her music and on social media, creating excitement and anticipation among her fans. In other words, mystery, puzzles, insinuations, hints, hidden messages, and subliminal references create a real game that allows generating a whole buzz around the singer, keeping her fans actively engaged.

No Good website highlights, for example, the credits of the short film “All Too Well”, where a “Jake Lyon” appears. However, it translates as “Jake’s lying”, and it’s a reference to her relationship with Jake Gyllenhaal, which inspired the song (see below).

Credits on All too Well music video

This is a whole new world for brands, which can adopt similar tactics since generating curiosity in marketing campaigns will undoubtedly leave your audience thirsty for more!

Invite your Critics into your brand identity: Look what you made me do!

Taylor has the great skill of turning the criticism around her into something that value her music. She incorporates it into her brand narrative making her, once again, an authentic and relatable figure.

In this case, the marketing Avenue Agency mentioned that “for example, the song ‘Mean’ was inspired by a critique she received after her performance at the 2010 Grammy Awards with Stevie Nicks.”. In other words, Taylor used these criticisms and confrontations as fuel for her art and created inside jokes for her fans.

By embracing feedback and turning critics into allies, Taylor humanizes her brand and, of course, strengthens her relationship with the audience.

In that sense, brands can also follow suit by acknowledging and addressing criticism constructively, demonstrating their commitment to continuous improvement.

Tell Your Most Authentic [Love] Story

At the heart of Taylor’s success is also her ability to tell captivating stories. Why? Because these stories resonate with audiences on a personal level.

By sharing her own experiences and vulnerabilities, Taylor Swift creates a sense of authenticity that connect her to fans.

This is a concept that has been mentioned several times for brands. Storytelling, and the ability to create empathy by embracing the human side of the brand, is a genuine approach. And, of course, the audience tends to identify with the narrative.

Mastermind: let your purpose guide you

The singer’s commitment to using her platform for positive change highlights the importance of aligning your brand with a higher purpose.

By championing causes that matter, Taylor Swift not only makes a difference in the world but also strengthens the identity and relevance of her brand.

Undoubtedly, brands can find inspiration in Taylor’s example by identifying causes that align with their values and leveraging their influence to drive significant change.

Are you ready for… the phenomenon of change and innovation?

Perhaps one of the most important things: Taylor’s willingness to embrace change and innovation has been one of the keys to her success. Not only does her music defy musical genres, but her marketing strategies are also pioneering, constantly pushing the boundaries of creativity and reinvention.

Now, brands can follow suit by embracing new technologies, trends, and approaches to remain at the forefront and maintain relevance in an ever-evolving landscape.

By embracing fan engagement, promoting curiosity, and staying true to her authentic “ME!“, Taylor Swift has solidified her status as a marketing mastermind.

Congratulations! If you’ve reached this point, you’re probably becoming a (marketing) #Swiftie! Or, at the very least, you can unlock new opportunities for growth, engagement, and loyalty to your brand with the help of the singer.

May Taylor Swift’s legacy inspire us to innovate, evolve, and leave our mark in the world of marketing.


  • Tânia Amaral

    Estudou Publicidade e Relações Públicas na Escola Superior de Educação de Viseu, trabalha como Responsável de Marketing a tempo inteiro e faz trabalhos em regime freelancer na área de design e gestão de comunicação, conteúdos e redes sociais. É apaixonada pelas palavras e tem o blog Este Outro Mundo, de escrita criativa, há mais de 10 anos. Está em constante procura da melhor forma de tornar as marcas mais humanas e das novas tendências de comunicação.

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