Digital Report 2024: the Portuguese Data

Digital Report 2024: Portuguese data


The Digital Report 2024, from DataReportal, tracks the latest trends on digital usage, and we explored the Portugal.

With the evolution of the digital world and new technologies, it’s no surprise that, at the beginning of this year, 8.84 million portuguese people were connected to the internet. This represents 86% of the population in the country, showing that the digital era is deeply rooted in our daily lives. So, let’s delve deeper into this report and explore how the technological and marketing landscape in Portugal is improving. 

Internet and Online Behavior

The vast majority of the Portuguese population is now online, spending daily an impressive average of 7 hours and 30 minutes on the internet. Also, 99% of internet users access it via mobile devices, reflecting the global trend of digital mobility, emphasizing the importance of websites and content mobile optimization.

The kind of platforms that got most accessed range from social networks (98%) in the lead, followed by chat platforms (97%), search (93%), and email (79%). Unsurprisingly, the main search engine is clearly Google, with a usage rate of 95%. Bing takes second place with only 4% of usage.

Why do Portuguese people use internet?

Portuguese people use the internet for various purposes. Finding information (82%), staying updated on news and events (70%), and staying in touch with others (68%) are the top 3 of reasons. Despite its growing trend, online shopping is in sixth place.

The growing preference for digitalization is also evident in the online activities of Portuguese people. Portuguese people also use the internet for reading newspapers (55%) and listening to podcasts (64%).

Regarding social networks, the main reasons for their use are:

  • keeping in touch with acquaintances 
  • occupying free time 
  • seeing new stories 
  • inspiration for what to buy 

Search Engines and Trends

As for the most used online platforms, data from SimilarWeb and SEMrush reveal as the most used website, followed by YouTube, Facebook, and However, from the 5th position onwards, things are a bit different.

On one hand, SimilarWeb places Instagram in 5th place. Also, the first newspaper to appear is Record, in 7th place and all other newspapers are just after the 11th position. On the other hand, for SEMRush, A BOLA newspaper is in the 5th place, followed by Pornhub and Record. Instagram is only in 9th place.

Social Media in Portugal

As for social networks, there are 73% of Portuguese on them, representing 84% of internet users – 51% women and 49% men. Mainly, on WhatsApp with 90%, Instagram with 85%, and Facebook with 83%. 

Networks like LinkedIn, TikTok, and X are a bit lower. TikTok is in 5th place with 46%, and LinkedIn in 7th place with 39%. Finally, in this ranking of 10 positions, X occupies 9th place, with only 33% of the population. 

Although Facebook is in first place, Instagram is the favorite of the population, followed by WhatsApp, Facebook, and TikTok. Only 1% indicated LinkedIn as the favorite platform. 

Regarding the monthly time spent, TikTok is, by far, the most time-consuming. From July 1 to September 30, period studied by the Digital Report 2024, an average of 36 hours and 38 minutes was spent on TikTok (Android version), followed by YouTube with 25 hours and 39 minutes. 

These data prove, once again, how important the video content is for brands.

It is important to highlight that the 4.90 million people who use LinkedIn. This means that 57% of the Portuguese population who can use the platform (that is, over 18 years old), are LinkedIn users.

Among the best-known platforms, in this Top 10, only LinkedIn and X have more male users than female users. 

Marketing and Behavior

Portuguese people are enthusiastic consumers of online content with 53% rather have music videos and 44% prefer comedy, viral, and meme videos. This behavior highlights the preference for visual and dynamic experiences.

Buying Behaviors

Online shopping behavior is also rising. At the time of the report, about 49.4% of internet users were making online purchases weekly (in the 2022 report, they represented 45.5%). The categories with the most spending are electronics and fashion, and the sites with the highest searches on Google are NIKE, iPhone, and Worten

The most used strategies to discover brands are search engines (40%), word of mouth (36%), TV ads (35%), and ads on social networks (34%). Moreover, it’s noteworthy that 64% of consumers conduct brand research before making a purchase, underscoring the importance of online marketing and social media presence, with 15% engaging with sponsored posts on social networks.

In conclusion, the Digital Report 2024 – Portugal provides a comprehensive view of the country’s digital landscape. Digitalization is shaping society in general, and Portuguese population is no exception, from online behavior to marketing strategies. Thus, for companies that want to thrive in this fast-paced digital environment, it is essential to adapt to emerging trends and embrace new ways of interacting and connecting with the online audience. 


  • Tânia Amaral

    Estudou Publicidade e Relações Públicas na Escola Superior de Educação de Viseu, trabalha como Responsável de Marketing a tempo inteiro e faz trabalhos em regime freelancer na área de design e gestão de comunicação, conteúdos e redes sociais. É apaixonada pelas palavras e tem o blog Este Outro Mundo, de escrita criativa, há mais de 10 anos. Está em constante procura da melhor forma de tornar as marcas mais humanas e das novas tendências de comunicação.

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